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16th November 2015


Since the XP era, I've been using the Microsoft SyncToy tool to do all my backups, and for the most part it's been doing a damn good job of keeping everything duplicated, over the many different harddrives/NAS's that I've gradually destroyed through the years. A few days ago, however, it started behaving very oddly, and I'm not really sure why. I have a feeling that it's due to Monkey's use of Build folders, and the fact that each game I've written over the past 3 years has incl...
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Daily Blog
15th November 2015


I tried 3 completely different games for "Q", over the course of yesterday, but nothing seemed to be any good. Instead, I left Q for another day, and moved on to C, at which point a nice ball-rolling game appeared and seemed to work fairly nicely. This is the second ball-rolling game in the bundle, but hopefully it's different enough to warrant it. What's becoming a rather worrying trend, however, is that there seem to be a lot of "Move X object through Y random dungeon to find ....
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Daily Blog
14th November 2015


Another Advent game ticked off, and a whole bunch more to go. I might try to spice yesterday's game up a bit more, before release, as it's a little bland the way it is. Anyhoo, that got done, and then I spent a while playing with audio bugs on the PlayJam devices. If you have an Android device and would like to play "I wonder what happens on MY Android device?" then you can (URL "">grab the .apk here.) (URL "https://soco...
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Daily Blog
11th November 2015


After another hour or so of tweaking, I finally got Sheep Goes Right uploaded to both OUYA and PlayJam. Hopefully the game passes through without any issues, but I'm slightly worried that there might be memory based complications. When I tested JNKBombers on my Razer Forge, I didn't spot any errors, but upon review, they send me a "Out of Memory" log, which suggested the Forge might not be all it's cracked up to be. I suspect this to be a case of the system multitasking. On OUYA...
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Daily Blog
25th October 2015


With mere weeks to go until Dec 1st, I'd better get cracking with that Advent Collection, huh?! So, last night I finished off Game #1, and made a fairly decent start on Game #2. I'll finish that up this morning, and then get to work on a third. I'm currently having a nice burst of imagination, after having not really coding much all year. It also makes a change to be creating something new, instead of fixing up that great big pile of 42 OUYA titles!! I still need to finish of...
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Daily Blog
13th October 2015


Getting close to the end of my first run through all the OUYA games. Only (Only?!) another 15 or so games to go, and we'll have a complete OUYA collection. So far there's been no major issues, but since I'm nearing the end of the list, there are a few kinks that need ironed out. For starters, I need to stress test my multiplayer code. JNKBombers, Neon Bike Challenge and NeonPlat Extreme all include varying degrees of Multiplayer interaction. Previously, if a certain controller ...
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Daily Blog
12th October 2015


Wasn't in much of a coding mood, last night, so ended up doing a bit more music, instead. I also spent an hour and a half watching the Stargate SG1 two parter, Mobius, although I'm not entirely sure why! I was actually in the mood to watch Continuum, but Continuum wasn't on Netflix and I couldn't be bothered pulling out the laptop, and piddling around with those old-fashioned DVD things. .. I really oughta backup all my DVDs to my Network Drive, some day. Hmm... Which reminds...
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Daily Blog
11th October 2015


Yesterday was spent re-recompiling a couple of the new OUYA batch. I stupidly keep forgetting to tweak certain things, even though I made myself a checklist. Things like "It still says (O) or (A) on the quit screen", through to oddities like forgetting to turn the music back on, and other quirky bits and pieces. Thankfully, the PlayJam review team are all over things like that, and will give each game a good going through, looking for such oddities. With a few guiding pokes an...
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Daily Blog
5th October 2015


I've spent more than enough time on Karl's Tiny Adventure. It's time to stop trying to fix the issue and just get the damn game uploaded. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to do two distinct editions. One for OUYA/Etc and one specifically for GameStick. The GameStick edition will have the music disabled. Why? Because apparently the GameStick doesn't like playing audio. I mean, it does, it just doesn't always play what you ask it, when you ask it to. For 99.9% of cases, it'l...
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Daily Blog
30th September 2015


I got a new "Timer or Event" bar under the score, in NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventure, which either displays a depleting timer for things like Shields and Speedups, or a set of blocks when displaying weapons and whatnot. It's a fairly simply little bar, and isn't much to write home about, but there it is! Meanwhile I'm also finding (or rather, other people are finding..) a weird quirk with some of my older games, on some Android devices. It seems that upon first load, the games occa...
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Daily Blog
20th September 2015


Bah, things are always more complicated, aren't they? When I first started doing OUYA games, I would happily throw up the .apk's without any Certificates or Signing, because realistically they're freeware, so who cares.. Right!? Plus.. "It's easier this way, just throw them up.. when are you ever going to update them, anyway!?!?!?" Well, as per usual, that's come back to bite me in the arse. I can't update those, because since creating them I've bought a new laptop, upgrade...
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Daily Blog
18th September 2015


Yesterday's devtime was mostly spent tackling the Controller code for future (and past) OUYA games, so that it works nicely with the new Forge TV doohickey. After a lot of tweaking, poking and prodding, I finally got my framework to work with a whole variety of different Android targets, from a single compile. This *should* mean that any future OUYA.apk's will work happily on all devices, instead of requiring both an OUYA special edition and a stock Android version. The Store stu...
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Daily Blog
14th September 2015


Spent most of yesterday doing much of the same thing as I did the day before, which is working on that new menu system. It's now scrolling nicely, and the buttons all work, and the worlds are in there to replace the bland blue circles. I've also added little notifiers for each world, so you can tell how many of the 15 levels you've completed. (URL ""><img src="
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Daily Blog
12th September 2015

Super Mario Maker!

After waiting until 3:30 in the afternoon, the game finally showed up. Bah, humbug! If you'd like to play some of my oddities, I am (of course) Jayenkai in the Miiverse doohickey. I *think* it's that easy, anyway. Not sure!


...Waiting for the game to turn up gave me plenty of time to add a level ending to my levels, which takes the form of a lovely swirly line which teleports you off to the next level. ( width="560" height="315" src="https://www....
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Daily Blog
7th September 2015


The music engine is now in place, and I've converted a bunch of melodies from AL's recent "Liquid" AL Bum. Thrown into the engine, they're sounding melodically "OK~ish", but those instruments aren't working out, at all. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> Today I'll be experimenting with oodles of different instrument types to see what sort of sounds work best...
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Daily Blog
6th September 2015


I won't make you put up with the current horror show of the game's ingame music generator thing. I managed to get it "working" last night, but the difference between "working" and "not sounding like shit" are somewhat lengthy. Instead, here's a video of the game with just the sound effects added in, and I'm sure you'll agree, it's quite an improvement. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Views 34, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
31st August 2015


I tried doing some music, last night, but everything I attempted turned out terribly. I guess my spurt of musical talent has run out, for now! Aw well, at least I can concentrate on getting my game done, instead. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> Yesterday I tackled Object vs Object collisions so that thrown weapons could interact with enemies and vice vers...
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Daily Blog
23rd August 2015


Seem to be in a musical mood, lately, so I attempted a second "Korg Remix Challenge" thing again, yesterday. ( width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="">> I don't expect to win, as there are MUCH better remixes out...
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Daily Blog
22nd August 2015


Each week or so, Korg send out a newsletter, and for the past couple of weeks I've been trying to ignore their little competition, but last night after receiving yet another email about it, I figured it was about time I gave it a shot. So, I put down NeonPlat for the night, and turned to my iPad to do some mixing. ( width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="
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Daily Blog
19th August 2015


Yesterday I loaded up JMTrackr for the first time in .. a LONG time! I spent most of the day creating a new set of instruments for the engine, and ensuring everything still sounded .."Not awful" After that, I fiddled with the engine a bit, and am now midway through trying to figure out a way to auto-generate Monkey-Code which includes a multitude of different choons, all in one neat little bundle. ( width="420" height="315" src="" frame...
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Daily Blog
18th August 2015


Yesterday's task was to get basically collectables, items, that kind of thing to work properly. I haven't yet added the whole lot, but thought that one useful "collectable" might be a checkpoint. ( width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>> A simple looking flag, which lights up and animates when touched, and is your respawn point should you die. .. Of course, in the ...
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Daily Blog
17th August 2015


A slight issue with the vertical scrolling is that a lot of the graphics in NeonPlat rely on thin lines. Most of the time, this isn't a problem, but when it's all scrolling up and down with pixel precision, there's a ludicrous amount of flickering going on, and it's somewhat unpleasant on the eyes. I'm going to have to (somehow!) put a stop to that, but .. hmmm.. So many devices, so many pixel density's, and so many screen resolutions. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to mana...
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Daily Blog
16th August 2015


With the player physics in place, and a few tweaks to the screen scrolling, it's time to start work on the level builder. Now I need to focus on both designing art to fit the style of gameplay, a half-a-dozen themes, as well as making the level builder work in a suitable way to create some nice enough levels, with plenty of variety, and also ensuring that all the levels are completable. ... That last part will probably be trickiest! I think I'll have to design an AI Player to r...
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Daily Blog
14th August 2015


Complications occasionally crop up as you're developing a game. The current complication is one of those "Everything NOW!!" issues. See, I'd like to get my character's movement to work, and ensure my screen scrolling works as it oughta. I've got left and right movement in, as that's pretty easy, but jumping requires that the ground collision is working properly. That means I need to stop working on the character movement, and switch to working on the tilemap collision detection,...
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Daily Blog
13th August 2015


General rule of thumb. If you have a migraine, STOP CODING!! It took me about half an hour of confused bafflement yesterday, to figure out why a simple "Create a line of floor tiles" was completely refusing to work properly. As it turns out, I was making a completely stupid schoolboy error. I was doing (Y*Height)+X instead of (Y*Width)+X, when referencing my array, which was causing all manner of tile-based issues along the way. How incredibly silly of me! Once I realised ...
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Daily Blog
6th August 2015

Melodical Developments

Last night I re-rendered and uploaded the entire (URL "">Precarious Al Bum to Annoyingly, I forgot to trim the tails on the tracks, so they all end with about a half-a-second of silence. Ooops.. I'll have to poke around in's settings and see if I can update the files, but I imagine they're probably going to have to stay like that. Aw well.. Meanwhile, I also created a new track for the Liquid A...
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Daily Blog
5th August 2015
In January 2014, KORG released the wonderful Gadget app onto the iPad. In the 20 months since, AL has created not one, not two, but THREE full AL Bums. Precarious is his third, and you can grab all three, for free, from in a variety of different formats, alongside his previous two AL Bums, Conspicuous and Enigmatically. (URL ""><img src="" alt="AL_Conspicuous" width=...
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Daily Blog
311 results 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (10) 11
Site credits : Site built from the ground up, in php, using Programmer's Notepad 2, and a very bored Jayenkai.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 251

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai